
Exploring Class and Classism, Intersections and Our Daily Lives

Sat, Nov 14, 2020, 1:00 – 4:00 PM EST
Exploring Class and Classism, Intersections and Our Daily Lives

Join two experts in the field of class analysis who have teamed up to offer this needed workshop for activists.

Exploring Class and Classism, Intersections and Our Daily Lives

Join two experts in the field of class analysis who have teamed up to offer this needed workshop for activists. The session will be lively, challenging, and highly interactive. By the end of the session together, participants will have:
• Shared stories about their class backgrounds and their intersection with race, gender and other important identities;
• Shared ways that class affects our on-going organizing and social change work;
• Learned more about the larger economic context within which we are having our personal experiences;
• Identified next steps for effective work on class and intersectionality.
Come ready to engage, learn, and share some ah-ha moments together! All welcome!

Trainers: Rhonda Soto knows how important and challenging it is to build awareness around issues of race and class. Rhonda, who is bi-racial and grew up in Harlem, NY, has been exposed to various forms of racism and classism throughout her life. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Mount Holyoke College, and was inspired to deeply examine the impact classism and racism have on society. Rhonda has worked with teens in a transitional shelter, and with GED students preparing for college. She previously worked as the Race and Class Intersections Coordinator for Class Action, a National Non-Profit, and attributes her Social Class Lens to Late Co-Founder Felice Yeskel. She is a vocal advocate, trainer, and national consultant around issues of diversity, as well as a Founding Member of the Paulo Freire Social Justice Charter School in Holyoke; and Jennifer Ladd, co-founder of Class Action (www.classism.org), with Felice Yeskel. Class Action’s mission is to inspire action to end classism, raise awareness, facilitate cross-class dialogue, support cross-class alliances and work with others to promote economic justice. Jennifer continues to support and work closely with Class Action. She also does philanthropic advising, fundraising consulting, and organizing around local cooperative economy.



Jennifer Ladd

Rhonda Soto

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