
Be an Ally, Not a Savior

Tue, Oct 8, 2024, 5:00 – 6:30 PM EDT

What is the role of the white ally to Black and BIPOC communities? How can you shed the cape of the savior to become the warrior ally? Becoming an ally is a process and it is not always easy or comfortable. It requires one to recognize the power and privilege that being part of the dominant culture affords them. In this workshop, we will explore the difference between allyship and "white saviorism." Calling out racism and microaggressions may lead to some tough conversations with close friends, family members and colleagues, yet it does not have to end by going your separate ways but rather it may be the beginning of enlightenment for some. Discussing allyship is critical to turning the tide on racism. To be a good ally one must understand their privilege and the rights they have been afforded in this country that others may not have been given. Seeing the world through another's eyes gives us perspective and can lead to changes in behavior. Understanding and learning how BIPOC communities are perceived and treated in our society helps combat social, political and institutional structures that divide. In this workshop, participants will learn the five key elements to becoming a good ally: Understanding Privilege, Learning to Listen, Speak up but not Over, It's Okay to make Mistakes, and Take Action. Come to this exciting class and join the conversation!



Jana McClure

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