
Temporary Protected Status in the U.S. Immigration System: What you need to know and how your community can help

Fri, Feb 28, 2025, 1:00 – 2:30 PM EST

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) in the United States immigration system is a humanitarian status that protects foreign nationals who are staying temporarily in the US. This status protects those who are unable go home because their home country is experiencing difficulties or conflicts that make returning untenable or pose a direct threat to their wellbeing and safety. As of December 2024, seventeen countries are designated for TPS and the number of people who have sought this protection is about 1 million, and growing. In this class, we will discuss the history of the TPS, its mechanism, what this status does and does not provide, and its future under the Trump administration. Since it is likely that the new administration will try to strip this temporary protection from a number of countries, creating extreme hardship for thousands of people who have lived here for years, we will discuss options that TPS holders might have and how the community may help.


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